A Review of Manage Finance, Fourth Edition

Manage Finance, fourth edition, provides you with the tools to manage finance in a small company effectively. In order to do so, you have to: Stay relevant in business-imize distractions-stay organized-model effective business relationships-develop strong internal organizational capability-adequate monitoring of finance functions. The fourth edition focuses on developing and maintaining a long-term financial planning capability. This book teaches you how to make sound decisions based on your finances and your bottom line. It also helps you build and maintain an effective and efficient finance department.

manage finance

The book covers all the major areas of finance and how they relate to a company’s financial status. For example, chapters include Managing Debt, Interest Paid on Debt, Eliminating Debt, Interest Income, Net Worth and Income From Investments. Other topics include managing your business’s debt and credit, cash flow, working capital management, eliminating debt, investing for growth, and entrepreneur’s dilemma. You learn from this text, how to set and meet realistic goals related to your company’s revenue and expenses, while you also learn how to manage and improve your financial status.

The fifth edition of Managing Finance, which is the sixth comprehensive Finance textbook, updates the concepts that are presented in the previous editions. These include the concepts of asset valuation, financial pricing, and capital structure. This text also focuses on the financing and liquidity aspects of business finances. This text provides you with a solid understanding of the key elements in your company’s finances and capital structure.